Hmmm ... it's Sunday afternoon ... I'm being lazy ... been to all my church meetings since 7:45 a.m. ... already had my afternoon nap ... and now it's time to rustle up some din din.
Reese moved out yesterday. I hate to see him go! But you know Reese ... once he makes up his mind there's no turning back! He moved in with one of his friends who still lives at home. I don't get it! He's either mooching off of us or them. Actually, he'll pay them $150 to stay in their home. That will pay for his food and utilities. His reasoning for the move is he's closer to work and school. He was so excited to leave home he had his room packed up and moved in about an hour!
Of course he left behind three bags of clothes for me to take to DI. Of course I dumped out the bags of clothes and rescued one of my pillowcases, a towel, 10 pairs of good jeans ... any takers? ... several pairs of good socks ... and about 10 nice shirts that Grandpa will probably enjoy! He promised to come back and clean his room. Of course I vacuumed, dusted, and put new sheets on the bed. And it will certainly be Lynn that has to put all of the seats back into the van that he borrowed to move.
Hmmm ... I wonder what he's going to do with all of his stuff for 7 months when he attends boot camp and training?
Today's Relief Society lesson was really good and thought provoking. The lesson mentioned how Joseph Smith loved and studied the scriptures a great deal. Because of his love and study of the scriptures he was able to teach the scriptures in plain and simple language that the people could understand. I feel more dedicated to my scripture study after learning about him.
Since Katie thinks that Granny is so beautiful and that she tells the awesomest stories, I thought I'd post this sweet story that happened to me in Orlando. I noticed a couple of demonstrators who had on the cutest Minnie Mouse ears that were black and sparkly sequins. I was dying for a pair of my own. A demonstrator by the name of Susan Lacroix mentioned that she was going to Disneyland that evening and she would pick me up some. I was ecstatic! The next morning she presented me with the ears but wouldn't let me pay for them. I know they're spendy and I felt like Minnie the Mooch. But I love them and I love Susan for giving them to me! Hmmm ... now I'll have to think of something to do for Susan. Any thoughts?
Oh ... Lindsey and family came over late afternoon yesterday and then we all went over to Ryan's for pizza, Jazz game, and Mario Kart. Next to the pizza, I loved playing Mario Kart the best! We laughed our heads off watching the little ones play ... and Granny! Bomps came in first on his round. I called him Devere at the wheel!
Got to go try out my new corn casserole recipe. I know it sounds gross but Lynn saw it on KSL and wants me to give it a try. If it's good I'll post the recipe.
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Your SAD that Reese moved out? Are you nuts? It better for him to mooch off of someone else than you! Let him become someone ELSE'S problem:) It's good for him. Baby steps, you know.
If I find out that Reese took your car I am going to strangle the kid. Sheesh, he's how old? I had a kid by then, plus I worked.
Your girls are mean, aren't they? I am sad he is gone. I hope he finds some direction. And I hope he took the car. I am glad that you have been able to give what you can when you've been able to to your kids.
We've all learned good lessons from having to provide for ourselves.
I love you Mom!
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