We had a marvelous time at our family reunion. Here's a few photos that make me laugh every time I look at them! Our cute, little Reese ... Ginger's girl ... looking out of that one eye!

All the wee ones splashing in the kiddie pool. What you don't see is that the adults were in it too!

Here's our June birthday boys ... all starting with "B's". Bomps, Boyd, Bryant, and Ben. Bomps, Ben, and Bryant all share the same birthday, the 21st of June. If you look closely at Ben and Bryant they both have drawn-on moustaches and Bryant has a uni-brow. (Thanks to Angie and Laurel!) All of the little kids wanted moustaches too, including the girls, so Angie and Laurel obliged.

Ben looking at his new $10 birthday bill. I told the September birthdays that if Granny doesn't get a job by then, they won't be getting 'diddly squat' for their birthday! I think he ate part of his moustache!

Hannah sporting her new face! She has a partial beard too.

I'm chuckling over this picture of Addison. Look at her faint moustache!

O.K. ... this looks just like something that Jaron would do. Laurel and Boyd sporting their chocolate cake on their teeth!

Look at this place! It was amazing. Isn't this a beautiful valley!

Camie and Ryan's bedroom. It even had a kitchenette in it with a fireplace! This place was nicer than my home!

A view from the deck.

Our bedroom! Not too shabby.

Tonight I got to pick up our granddaughter Sarah from the airport. She's 11 years old and looks like she's about 18! She's almost as tall as me and she's gorgeous. She's going to stay with Laurel and Ginger for three weeks. They're going to Yellowstone Park, Lagoon, swimming, and just hanging out with family.

So this is really it ... D-day. I guess I could still change my mind about the surgery, but I won't. I've been fairly calm today thinking about how I'll feel tomorrow. I guess the hard part is realizing that I feel so good now and know that I'm going to feel not so hotsy totsy tomorrow after the surgery. I had Sarah take a picture of me just a few minutes ago. I'll wear the same clothes each time I take a picture and post my weight and progress with the diet and exercise. Normally when I pose for pictures I stand behind someone or turn half-way to the side so you can't see all of me. Here I am in all my glory ... all 250 pounds of me. It will be fun taking you on my weight loss journey as you help support me with your words of encouragement. By the way, thanks to everyone who has e-mailed, commented, and called, wishing me well wishes and keeping me in their prayers. I love you all!
If I feel well enough I'll have Lynn bring me the laptop so I can post how I'm feeling tomorrow and tell you all about the surgery.
Oh ... the cleansing part. It didn't dawn on me until after I drank the bottle of 'stuff' at 6:00 p.m. that I had to pick up Sarah from the airport at 9:00. Luckily, I didn't have to do the 'rocky mountain quick-step' while picking her up at the gate. Doing fine in that department. The 'stuff' wasn't bad to drink and kinda tasted good ... lemony and fizzy.
Thanks again family and friends. Off to a new start tomorrow! Hope I'm as chipper tomorrow as I am tonight!
Wish you Good Luck later today as it's early in the morning here in New York! Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish I had health insurance because I sure could use that surgery!!! Cannot wait to see the new you!!!
God bless and may you be well soon.....part of me wishes it was me. I look forward to hearing about how your doing and always love your blog, your so honest and down to earth......Love to you and yours......
GOOD LUCK TODAY!!!!YOU LOOK GREAT in your picture, but I cannot wait to see the changed you in a few months!!!!
Love and prayers are with you today.
Good luck today Linda! Praying for you and your doctor's.
Good luck to you my dear friend. I love ya just the way you are. But I am also so excited for you that this day is finally here!! congrats and we said a family prayer for you last night. That should get you a little something anyway! :)
Good Luck Linda!!! I'm praying for you, and can't wait to hear how it goes!
Good Luck Linda!! Can't wait to see the new you!!
God Bless and hope you are feeling better soon. I understand how you feel and know it fun to see your progress. My prayers are with you.
i will be thinking of you while you are recovering from your surgery. I think it's so brave of you to do it and share your story along the way. thank you thank you thank you.
You've already had the surgery and I'm sure you're not feeling too "hotsy totsy" but I hope that feeling comes back REAL soon! You're in my thoughts & prayers. I must say that you looked perfect to me! :o) I hope you have a speedy recovery and are able to make your life changes (especially the dietary ones) relatively easily!!
I wish I could have been at the family reunion. That place looked great! That picture of Addie makes me laugh!
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this tough part of the surgery. This journey is the best.
It was just 6 short years ago this month that I did the same thing and well you know...
Love you so much and see you soon!
wishing you a speedy recovery. Thoughts and prayers are being sent your way. I'm looking forward to following your progress.
Praying for you today Linda!!!
I am so excited for you. Thanks for sharing your progress. I think that it is a brave choice. After I went to convention last year and saw so many obese women I decided I would return this year weighing less. It made me sad to see so many wonderful women with serious weight problems. So far I am down almost 18 pounds via WW online. I understand the struggle. You are a lovely person that I only know from a far but wish you well.
God bless you and I thank you for sharing your journey. Because you have been public with your decision, I now have the courage to tell my friends that I too have begun all of the pre-reqs to having the surgery. I will be seeing the surgeon tomorrow and hope to get my surgery date.
I will continue to pray for you and will continue to follow your journey.
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