My youngest grandchild turned one today and I've only seen her twice in one year. The day she was born and a few months ago. No fair! I hate it that they live so far away in Oregon! Two of my daughters and their daughters drove to Oregon on Sunday and they're celebrating Abby's birthday at the beach. They keep calling me and I can hear the wind in the phone and the kids playing on the beach and I wish I was there with them. No fair!
I've been gone so much the month of June that I just couldn't justify leaving again for a week. My folks don't like to see me go and it makes them a little nervous when I'm not here. I had a sis who came and stayed with them when I went to England and they loved having her here.
So you all know that I'm going to South Carolina at the end of this month. We were going to see if we could book military housing tomorrow for around $45 a night. Just on a whim I went to Priceline and bid on the highest star rating hotel in Columbia for $50 a night and won! And, it's a Marriott Courtyard with two beds. Now I won't have to sleep with Reese's girlfriend. Ha ha ha ha! Actually I should have said, "Now she won't have to sleep with an old snoring granny!"
Still losing weight. I want to surprise you by taking a picture next Tuesday and telling you my current weight. I'll try and take pictures every two weeks, in the same clothes, and record how much weight I've lost. I'm feeling terrific. I just get a little tired after working a few hours and need to rest and then I'm fine. Sunday I cooked a roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, mixed veggies, and yams. I tried just a few slivers of the roast beef and had an ounce of the yams. Talk about delicious and it stayed down wonderfully and didn't make me sick. I'm really supposed to wait for another week to introduce regular meats into my diet, but I fudged just a little and was happy that all went well. It seems as if I get less hungry as the days go by. I think it takes a while for my body to finally recognize that it's not going to get as many calories as it was used to.
Oh ... I know the big news. I saw the new Harry Potter movie this morning at 8:30. Can you belive that I went to a movie that early in the morning? Lindsey had two free tickets and we got to go. We had a ball and loved the movie. It's really frightening for small children so I don't advice you taking them. After the movie I went over to check on the Relief Society sisters who were holding a day-time event and luncheon. Aren't I a terrible president to skip out on my sisters to go to a movie? I just told them that I had another appointment. They do fine without me and they have the system down patt!
That's about it for now. I'm happy and doing wonderful!
Happy Birthday Abby!
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You are such an inspiration! I'm enjoying reading how very happy you are and it makes me matter what kind of day I'm having!
I hope you have a great time in SC (you could visit GA while you're here....I'm just "next door")!
Big hugs and congrats on the weight you've already lost...I can't wait to see the pictures next week! :o)
I am sooo jealous that you got to see the Harry Potter movie already. I really wanted to go to the midnight showing tonight but I couldn't get a sitter. Bummer.
Congrats to you for your wonderful results with the weight loss and your willingness to share the story with us.
Congrats also on inexpensive hotel.
Oh, I'm super excited to see your next picture. I'm just living vicariously through you and your weight loss. Granted, I wouldn't be able to get surgery because I'm short and people think that I shoudl be able to lose the 40-50 lbs I need to lose "easily" and "on my own", but with a husband deployed and three little ones, it's hard to find me-time to do things like work out, or GO SEE THE HARRY POTTER MOVIE!! I'm so jealous (in a good way!) that you got to go ;) I bet it was good!
Congrats to your son for finishing out boot camp and becoming a Marine. I went through the Air Force's version (I graduated from the Air Force Academy) and I'm sure it pales in comparison and I thought it was TOUGH! It takes a special person to be a part of this country's all-volunteer military. Have fun on your trip!!!
I am glad the weight loss is going well for you.
Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. She shares my birthday which I share with my son. He loves that we share a birthday.
Linda, I am so excited to hear you are sounding so chipper and doing so well with yopur weight loss. I just wanted to let you in on the fact, that you have inspired me to get my weight under control. I am using something that a by pass doctor invented and doing really well with it. I too am feeling less hungry so I do not need to eat as much anymore. That after all was my big problem....filling the hole. Well, this seems to be working just fine. I have tried them all ! LOL!!! Thanks for your inspiration, and having you show us what you can do helps many of us! Thanks Linda have a great day!
Sounds like you got this diet down pat! I am so happy for you and can not wait to see the new results on Tuesday..
Your post today sounds more like the happy person you are. So glad to hear it...
Thanks so much for sharing your ups and downs..makes it more real that there are other people out there going through the same things.
I can't wait to see your progress when we get home! You're looking great!
We sure have missed you on this trip mama! Right now Nat, Gin, Tay, Ginny, Sarah & Kate are gone to the movies, I am at home with Abigail, Reesie, & Addies, they're all still snoozing! It's nice!
Love and miss you!
Hi Linda,
I was unable to attend convention this year, but have been living it vicarously thru all of the lovely ladies that have been blogging about it.
I just had to write as we have something else in common. Sons in the Army....Both of my sons enlisted. Jacob, 19, enlisted in Sept. 2008 and did his one-stop training at Ft. Benning, GA (Basic/Infantry/Airborne). Family Day was in Nov. 2008, Infantry Graduation was in Jan. 2009. We went for those. Graduation from Airborne we had to miss, but they didn't do anything special, they graduated out in a the field after landing from their last jump...I will never understand the concept of jumping out of a perfectly good plane - at least that is what I teasingly tell him! LOL!He is now stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC and preparing to deploy to Iraq very, very soon. His big brother, George, 26, then decided to enlist and went in in Feb. 2009 and went to Ft. Knox, KY for his one-stop training (basic and Tanker) Family Day for him was in April and Tanker graduation was the end of May and then he reported to his first duty station in Ft. Riley, KS. We live in Virginia.
We are only about 1-1/2 to 2 hrs. from Ft. Eustis. So depending on how long Reese is here, if he gets any time off and can't go home, please let him know he is more than welcome to come and stay with us. If there isn't someone there that lives close and is driving here we can always pick him up. E-mail me directly and we can discuss further.
Cindy Ferenz
pics on my blog:
P.S. Congrats on the weight-loss. I am struggling with that as well. I've kinda slacked off it lately, but plan to get back to it.
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