Wowzee ... I'm down another pound today. That makes 25 pounds down! Lisa mentioned that I was only down 10% of my body weight, which is true, but I need to lose 100 pounds, so I've already lost 25% of what I need to lose. So .... I'm a quarter of the way there!
For those of you attending convention for the first time, and coming to Salt Lake for the first time, there are definitely some 'don't miss things' that you've got to see. One of them is just a little north of the Salt Palace and that's temple square. They have wonderful tours, films to watch about the history of the mormons, beautiful grounds to tour, and you'll even get to see the tabernacle where the Tabernacle Choir performs. If you happen to be there on a Thursday evening you may be able to watch them practice. Across the street from Temple Square is a beautiful ediface and that's the Conference Center. You may be able to arrange tours there too.
There is no charge. Everything is free. Directly across Temple Square on the west side is another old building that used to be the Hotel Utah. You've got to go inside just to see the lobby. It's magnificent. Ask any guide there where the special film is playing about the history of the Mormons and you may be able to get a ticket to see that. It's wonderful. Just be sure to take tissues because it will make you cry!
A really nice place to eat with excellent food and not very spendy is in the basement of the Lion House. It's called the Pantry. Excellent homemade rolls, soups, desserts, and dinner, served cafeteria style. It's also west of Temple Square. Ask anyone on the street where the Lion House is. You can't miss it!
If you're into family history, check out the family history library. All of these buildings are in walking distance from the Salt Palace. I think there's a museum there .... all free.
Lots to do today before we pull out for camping. I've got to have everything packed and ready to go so when Lynn gets home we can just hook up the trailer and take off. Having a trailer that is fully stocked is so much easier than tent camping. This is a breeze!
Happy 24th of July everyone. This is a big day in Utah where we celebrate with parades and picnics the coming of the Mormon pioneers who settled this desolate valley and turned it into a rose!
Lost Another Pound!
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Whoops! My apologies for misunderstanding and suggesting your daughter needs a math refresher. Definitely "my bad!" A quarter of the way there - that's fantastic!
We just got a pop-up camper last year and I agree - having a stocked camper defintely makes it much easier. I love camping! Hope you have fantastic weather and an even more fantastic time!
Don't forget the tours of welfare-square and the Humanitarian Aid centers. I hear they're a must!
Thank you so much for the info! Have a ball camping! Maybe you'll be in town when I am...would love to see you!
Lou- I am proud of you. Way to stick to it. I started goign back to the gym all because of you. So proud. So, so proud!
congratulations linda! you're doing a great job on your weight loss.
thanx also for the slc tidbits. i was fortunate to have a wonderful friend drive us around slc for a mini tour last year.
we saw the temple and conference center and the nauvoo bell (sorry, i know i spelled that wrong and i'm from illinois originally).
is the hotel you're talking about a big ol' honkin' house on the corner near the conference center? man, i fell in love with it. would have loved to see the inside.
thanx again for sharing some of your home with us.
xoxo ~ carol.
Way to go my sweet friend!
A slight corrections to your directions . . . the Hotel Utah is east of the temple. THe new family history library is on the noeast corner from the temple. They can also go in the Church office building. East across the street from there is a park which is nice and just up the hill from the park wo the south is where BRigham Young's grave is located. You and I need to go visit down town . . .
Hope your weekend was great! See you on Tuesday . .
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