Much, much better day at work yesterday! I felt tremendous. No more chicken for me for a while. Bean with Bacon soup goes down the hatch wonderful and feels so warm and good in the tummy. Just mix up a can with water in a container and then take out a small portion to take to work. Pop it in the microwave and savor each sip. Sit in the break room with your Stampin' Success and chew your soup and you'll have a wonderful lunch!
Some of you have asked what I'm doing at work. This is just a temporary job working two days a week until I find full-time work. I used to tend the owner's children 20 years ago and we just reconnected through Facebook. She asked if I'd come work for her and get her paper work caught up. She is the owner of Rocky Mountain Awards Distributor for the western half of the US. She's got a really nice little warehouse with three offices inside. She distributes trophys and ribbons and awards and all of the parts and pieces that go to them. She carries over 10,000 parts in her warehouse. She handles everything, from picking to shipping, phone and in-house orders, and all of the book work.
Besides being so sick my first day of work, I was pretty discouraged when I came home. I told my hubby that I was a 'people' person and this job just wasn't for me. I'm in a back office, all alone, no music, an occasional phone ring, and I'm generating invoices, running credit cards, faxing, filing, and making sure the pricing is correct on the orders. So, yesterday I went prepared to the office. I took my Ipod, speakers, a lamp so I could see the paperwork better, some chewing gum and sugar-free Jolly Ranchers. I was in 7th heaven listening to my tunes and chomping on my gum. I had a little more inter-office conversation with the young girl out front. I think she's threatened by my job. She's been working there for two years but can't understand the invoicing so that's why the boss hired me. And the boss even gave me a set of keys to the warehouse and I get to open up the office on Monday. The 'boss' has been running her own business for years and hasn't had the time to go to a Dr. or Dentist in over 10 years! Can you imagine that? She's finally going to the Dentist Monday morning because she's been missing a crown for over two years!
Anyway, I really enjoyed work yesterday. I'll enjoy it even more when I begin taking phone calls and getting to talk to 'real-live people'!
How do you think the weight loss is going? It's going terrific! I stopped weighing myself everyday and am weighing once a week. This morning I weighed 212 pounds! That's a total weight loss of 38 pounds in 8 weeks. Not too shabby. I'll take it in a heart beat. Just for fun I put on a convention outfit that I wore a couple of years ago and it falls off of me. It's really a pretty, dressy outfit and I hate to give it away since I only wore it once. I'm thinking about hanging onto it and after I have my weight off, altering it to fit.
We're going camping tonight and tomorrow night up near Bear Lake towards the Idaho border. It's a place called Tony Grove and it's where Lynn almost got the courage to propose to me, but didn't until later that evening. I'll take lots of pics and post them here. I'll try to take a picture of me now, but I'm all alone and I'm not sure how to set the timer on the camera. I'm in my camping clothes and don't want to put on the same ole' blue shirt and stretchy pants that I've been wearing in all of my weight loss pictures.
Later baby! I LOVE your comments and staying connected through my blog. Have a GRRRREAT day!
Terrific Day at Work!
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I'm glad your job went better for you the 2nd day!!! I'm sure you'll be working with people soon, in a job you love. You deserve good things to happen.
Congrats on the continuing weight loss and have fun camping!! Looking forward to the pictures.
I would love to say something thought provoking but whenever I think of you, the only thing that comes to mind is, "I would LOVE to live near Linda and be in her circle of friends!" :o)
I just know that you will have the perfect job come your way! It may sound "weird" but I have the same peace about you being unemployed as I had when my husband was....he now has a job that he absolutely LOVES!
Have a great trip and I can't wait to see the updated pictures. :o)
Great attitude for your second day at work...much better than the first day by far!!!! The perfect job will come along...patience.
Oh, I love Tony Grove!!!! It's so beautiful there...I'm from Bear Lake (Idaho side) so it was nice to read about "home" :)
so glad your days are getting better. Yea You for making your work environment fit you better.
have fun camping :)
I love Tony Grove, so peaceful and beautiful!
I just wanted to let you know I've been a loyal blog reader for many months now, but this is my first comment. I really enjoy your positive attitude and the way you tell a story! Thanks for sharing your life with me.
Mary H.
So glad the second day went better! I'm sure it has something to do with your super-positive attitude!
Have fun camping!
I think you should write, you have such a way with words.....glad your day was better. enjoy your time camping....look forward to new photos.
Love to you and yours!
Deb M
I am so glad that you had a better day at work! Makes it that much better to go.
If you decide to keep the outfit you need to let one of your daughters keep it in there house. the phsycology is that if you have clothes that are big some day you will allow yourself to get big again.
Keep going with the new food way of life.
Love you
Hi Linda!
I just finished reading the updates (from my last visit eons ago!) on your blog and thoroughly enjoyed hearing all about everything! You look awesome in the photos, especially the "proud Mama" photos at Reese's graduation from boot camp and yes, his girlfriend is adorable!
So glad to hear how your visits with various demos and groups went during convention. I was thrilled to see you at the SCS Dinner and I hope that you got a TON of great swap cards! Thank you so much for joining definitely made our night and I am delighted that you enjoyed it as well.
Glad that you didn't take a job for $7.50 an hour being responsible for way more than you would have been paid to do. Good things come to those who wait, right? But for now, it sounds like your current job is working out pretty well...and after throwing up all day on your first day of work, you really have no place to go but up!
Take care, you are such a darling and I am so glad that I was able to chat with you briefly and see that beautiful smile of yours! Jan Hoyt
Be careful with the Bean and Bacon soup. Its very high in Carbs and also fiber.
thinking of you today while I was drinking my go lytely...yuck that stuff is really bad. At least you were braver than I...tomorrow the drugs will be worth it! LOL Keep up the great attitude Linda!
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