Life isn't just good ... it's great!
I've had a great weekend. Today I feel like I'm on top of things. I'm actually going to get some makeup on in a minute (my husband will be thankful for that), get dressed and work on fixing dinner for this evening. The only minor complaint that I have is my lower back is really sore. I had back surgery years ago and it's kinda flaired up. I used an ice pack last night and that really helped take the inflammation down. I think it's because I've been sitting and laying down more that it hurts.
One of you asked about the smells of food and if they make my hungry. It's really hard to explain but I'll try. While I was in the hospital I wasn't around anyone who was eating or cooking so I didn't smell or see food. When I got home I saw visual images of food everywhere! I was shocked at how many food commercials there on on TV in just an hour segment. Count them next time and you'll be surprised. Every food commercial I would see would trigger a memory of those foods and I could taste and smell them in my brain. Then I would groan and say, "Oh ... I can't have that anymore!" It's really a feeling of loss and a little bit of depression as you are going through this. I also had stomach pains due to the surgery and I couldn't tell if the pains were hunger pains, surgery pains, or drinking too much water pains. So, I don't think I was hungry. The food was just triggering emotions and sensations in my brain.
The next day was a lot easier being around and seeing food. And yesterday was a piece of cake. Well, not literally ... I didn't have any cake. But I was introduced to my first solid food. I think that helped the brain a lot! I now get to have 2 ounces of cottage cheese and yogurt. It was absolutely divine and tasted so heavenly. I made it last for 20 minutes! I'll be able to introduce string cheese, deli meats and pureed soups next Wednesday. Still only 2 ounce portions total.
The hard part is remembering to drink my water throughout the day. I'm supposed to be drinking 16 to 24 ounces of water a day. I keep a measured water bottle by me and sip on it when I remember. Just for fun I got on the scale yesterday and weighed just in my nightgown and I had dropped 11 pounds. It was almost frightening. That has NEVER happened to me before. My stomach is still a little bloated. I'll weigh myself tomorrow night and take a picture of me in the same clothes I was wearing last week and report my loss then.
O.K. ... enough about me! How are you enjoying the new in-color bundle? I received all of the ribbons too. They are delightful and I've had fun playing with the new stuff. I recorded two new videos which will be appearing on UStamp with Dawn and Friends. I had a good friend do the recording and editing for me. You will enjoy them. And it was sooo much fun talking to you via video once again!
Well ... enjoy your day and have a Happy Monday! I've got to prepare a talk for Sunday's lesson.
Life is Great!
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Thanks for answering, Linda. That was "me" who asked :) That's so amazing that you're down 11 lbs and are still retaining fluid from the surgery!!! Great job, and I can't wait to see more of your progress!!!
PS - I forgot to sign with my name last time and since I have a WordPress blog, it uses my username as my name, which is part of my blog address. :)
hi linda. got all caught up with your blog now. i'm fascinated with your surgery story. i can't wait to see your next picture.
thanx for sharing your experience with us.
cheers ~ carol.
Hi Linda!
Oh I am getting jealous now, in a good way not a coveted way! I am so happy for you, the weight coming off makes it so much easier to thumb your nose up at the food ideas you are missing now. I was thinking maybe I could just eat what you are eating and I too will lose weight....hmmmmm. Just an idea. Who knows. I am really happy you are talking to us about all that is happening with your thoughts and you progress it may inspire some of us too! Anyway, back to cards....I didn't think I would like the In Colors as much as past years because I am a more subtle girl, but what I have found is they are so luscious that you can put them with a more subtle pallet and my oh my what beautiful combinations they make. I made a card with Rich Razzleberry the other day (will be posted later this week on my blog) and spritzed it with bleach, to my amazement Barely Banana immerged. Who would have thunk that would be such a cool color combo!!! Well, that is it for now, I am sorry I took up so much blog comment space, slap my hand now! Have a super afternoon, Donna Centamore
Linda, sounds like you are doing great! Hope your back starts to feel better!
I have yet to *play* with my new in colors. I guess that will be my task for the day!
Much success on your progress Linda, I love hearing how you are doing.
I am having fun with the new colors and they are starting to grow on me. I have to say after being around them for 6 or 8 months I really was not sure but now that I can play I am liking them better.
I am so proud of how it is going for you. I think that I will portion out my food the same and see if I can lose some weight too. I know if I try I can get back on track.
I am glad to hear that Reese is doing good and tell him that I miss him! Has he lost any weight? I know he was hoping to.
Love you lots!
Melanie Hopes
Wow... Congrats Linda, glad your surgery went well and can't wait to see and read more of your progress! A good night's sleep in itself is priceless and precious!
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