O.K... so I got to go home last night. Horray! But before they let me go I had to have the drain pump removed and several staples. Yikes! I didn't even know I had staples in me. I had six incisions, about 1 1/2 " each and around 4-5 staples in each incision. Then I had this bulb and tube hanging from an incision which had a small stitch holding it in place. I hope I'm not grossing anyone out! The nurse was so gentle and so caring. She asked which I wanted out first, the bulb or the staples. I remembered getting the drain out when I had my gall bladder out and it killed. I'd had it in for a few days and I heal so fast that the skin had grown around the tubing and when they pulled it out I nearly hit the ceiling. So, I was preparing for the worst. She told me to take a big breath and while I was breathing in she tugged it out. Wasn't bad at all. And as for the staples, it was piece of cake! She put steri strips on all of the incisions and I can shower and keep them on until they fall off on their own.
Since I'm not a narcotic gal, there isn't much than I can take that will help relieve the pain. I picked up my prescription, which has codeine in it, which I'm allergic to, but only took about 1/8 of a teaspoon and that's just enough to take the edge off and not make me too dizzy or nauseated.
Oh ... I forgot to tell you one more thing about my lovely CNA. I handed her my glasses to carry for me and she DROPPED them! She said, "I hope there wasn't anything too important in that case." I said, "Oh ... only my glasses." Luckily she only broke the glass case. She felt bad about it and I kept telling her that it was an accident and to not feel bad.
Addy and Laurel came over last night to visit shortly after I got home. I rested in bed and felt pretty good. Had a really good night. Only had to get up once in the night to use the WC.
Lynn left me alone today and I had a really good day. I just stayed in bed, walked when I should, savored my one ounce portions of chicken broth and sugar free jello. Man, I never thought broth could taste soooo good. I did think that when I got home and smelled food it wouldn't smell the same or I wouldn't want it. Oh contrar! I looked at a stem from some grapes on the shelf that Lynn had been eating and my mouth started drooling. I was putting away his chips and they smelled sooo good. And then I thought, "Wow ... I would be one sick puppy if I ate that. And then I had no desire!"
I can't have carbohydrates for one year. No breads, sweets, potatoes, or rice. If I do ... I'll get the dumping syndrome. Rapid heartbeat, sweats, nausea and vomiting, and you'll love this one ... explosive diahrea! No thanks ... not for me!
I'm still really bloated. My stomach was so bloated I couldn't even button up my pants to go home. I think they filled me up with gas. For reals! If I could just give a good burp or a burp out the other end, I'd feel wonderful!
Our son, Reese called from Boot Camp. He was given special permission to call home to see how his Mom had fared with her surgery. Isn't that sweet. He's been out in the field for three days and loving it! He loves to camp and he said they had so much fun firing mortar shells at each other. He said it reminded him of his army days when he was a boy firing things at Kenneth in his front yard. He said it is very hot and miserable trying to sleep at night. He has heat rash and they weren't allowed to shower for three days. They used baby wipes to clean them selves up. He said that they gave him some good Gold Bond powder which is really helping! He says he likes it and he's positive and happy. I'm proud of him!
Some of you are wondering if I've lost any weight yet. Only a couple of pounds. I'm still really bloated. You'd think I would have lost 20 pounds by now with the amount of food I've been allowed to eat. But there's really no difference just yet. I'm sure time will tell!
Thanks again for keeping in touch with me. Love to you all! I'm here for any of you who decide to go on this incredible journey too.
Day Three!
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Linda, I've been following your blog silently (I may have posted once?) since you were let go by SU!. I just have to ask you, since you just had the surgery, you said you still smell things and want them, but are you hungry as much/often as you were before? Do you feel satisfied with the small portions you are allowed, or does your stomach still tell your brain it's hungry even when it's not? Maybe I'm projecting my own hunger pangs onto you and you never felt this way in the first place, but I thought perhaps you might, or you might just know what I mean and could give me a good answer. Anyway, my prayers have been with you, and I wish you all the best in this journey you've begun!!!
Glad you are feeling well!
Glad to hear about Reese! Ugh! No shower for 3 days!
Take care!
Well at least they left your humor in tact! That CNA needs to find a new job. Is that the same one that didn't help you to the WC cause she was tired? Geesh!
You are a blessing, and I am thinking of you. You can do it.
Oh the dumping... it's great!! I crave ice cream and usually a spoonful or two is enough however once in a while I over do it and regreat it right away. Dumping makes you think you are going to die amd makes you swear to yourself that you will NEVER eat that or anything naughty again. =)
I have problems with pain meds too and almost always get nauseated. After I had breast reduction surgery I just took regular Tylenol during the day, and Tylenol PM at night since everything else made me throw up. The key is staying on top of pain. Even if you think you don't need one, take one anyway !!
You sound like you're doing great. You had me rolling on the floor when you mentioned explosive diarrhea! I guess that's one way to instill the fear of eating the wrong things !!!
hey Linda WOW, you are doing great!!!! I just wanted to say hi, maybe you can have your olfactory nerve removed....yup go google it! Then it would make putting away the chips much easier and they would be less desireable! Enjoy your weekend.
ooo I just re read my comment and it sounded like I was being fresh. I am sorry, I was trying to be funny about "go google it" I hope I didn't offend you. Hugs~Donna
I love this sense of humor you all have. Good luck with your weight loss. Some days i feel like that is one of the biggest trials for women.
i'm so glad you made it through okay. that's great that your son was able to call and check in - what a relief to both of you :)
that hospital person sounds like she's in the wrong position - good thing you could laugh it off - lucky for her. :)
no carbs for a year?...i couldn't do it I don't think...i could give up meat but not carbs. :(
Sounds like you are feeling better. That CNA needs to look for a new job.. Wow!
No carbs will be hard. I do it for my Lap Band.. I tried to sneak some here and there but not good.. after a few months you really won't miss them.. There is so much good food out there to replace them..
I don't know what to say - you are one very, very brave lady and I'm very, very proud of you.
Way to go Linda - I think of you every day and pray for your speedy recovery.
Love and Hugs ALWAYS from your Little English Friend, Elizabeth
Linda, much love to you! If I had your address I would send you an awesome card!!
I look forward to your progress. It is so wonderful to see that transformation. I think you are beautiful no matter what though!
(I was in the process of lapband when we lost our insurance. I am looking forward to getting that back on track when I can.)
It is wonderful that Reese is doing so well.
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