O.K. ... so I'm having a fabulous day. My calendar has been filling up with speaking engagements and I decided that it was time that I write my presentation. I LOVE writing. I had some soft music playing in the background and I can talk out loud as I type. I even laugh at myself, ask myself questions, and even answer too! Am I getting senile? Hope not!
It was just one of those days when everything fell into place. I looked sassy in my turquoise swirly skirt with a white blouse and cute sandals. You know that kind of day when you look in the mirror and you think to yourself, "Wow ... I look kinda good today! I like that color of lip gloss I'm wearing. Don't my eyes look pretty today?"
Dinner rolled around and I looked at the big bucket of fresh tomatoes that Lindsey had brought and thought that Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato sandwiches would be wonderful for dinner, with a fresh ear of corn on the cob. (Not for me ... This is for Lynn. I get the BLT without the bread and no corn either.) So I took a pound of bacon and fried it up in the frying pan, not realizing that the house, my hair, my shirt, my swirly skirt all wreaked of bacon. I glanced at my watch and realized that I had a meeting at the hospital with the weight loss surgery patients in 10 minutes so I ran into the bedroom and changed into some jeans. As I grabbed my keys to go out the door I thought, "I'm going to smell like bacon. Oh well, if I ride to the hospital with my windows down perhaps the smell will be gone when I arrive."
I walked into the meeting late and the Dr. was doing a Power Point presentation in the dark. I quietly took my seat and immediately got a strong whiff of bacon. Gosh .. it's me and it was permeating the room around me. The gentleman next to me even scooted away from me. He must not like the smell of bacon. I thought maybe I should have put cologne on before I left. But wouldn't that be even grosser smelling perfume mixed with bacon? I smelled my fingers and they even smelled like bacon. Sheesh I wish I had some hand sanitizer. Perhaps if I chew a stick of gum that will sorta mask the smell of bacon. So I did. It didn't.
After the meeting I was talking with some patients and I mentioned that I had been cooking bacon right before the meeting and the one girl said, "I thought I smelled bacon!"
Remind me next time to NOT cook bacon or smelly fish prior to going to a meeting!
Hmmm ... Who Smells Like Bacon?
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I am lookng forward to meeting you when you come up to Edmonton for my group meeting! I have been a "Linda Groupie" since my first convention in 2005. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!
Hi Linda,
I am so excited to see you in September, even if you do smell like bacon...ha! or would that be ham!
i love bacon. i would sit next to you any day.
cute story!
xox ~ carol.
Who doesn't love the smell of Bacon??? lol
It's not that you smelled like bacon that made me chuckle, cute LindaLoo!!! I sat by you for four years at work and so many times I thought you were talking to me while you were writing at your computer. I'd go to answer your question and you'd answer yourself before I got the chance to!!!! Tee hee! Love and Miss you!!!
oh my Linda, I still have the most uncomfortable feeling when I think of bacon frying. Many years ago when I was 12 I was going to a church meeting with my friend. Her mom picked me up because my mom didn't drive then. Well, as soon as I got into the car, my friend's mom said whewwwwww did you have bacon for supper! YIKES I melted like the bad witch in Oz, and to this day some 40+ years later,I have never cooked bacon in my house!You made me laugh with your story today! Thanks!
Toooooooooo funny Linda!! You crack me up! Hope the BLT's were good :) MISSED YOU last week.. I placed #18 in the top 100 !! :) wahoooo! Patty
That is so funny! You crack me up.
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