Before I get to my story about picking ... let me first thank all of you who saw me up town during convention and stopped to give me a love and a hug. It was absolutely fantastic and I had so much fun getting reacquainted with you. I miss and love you all and this was such a fun way to re-connect. How about next year if I plan the dinner and the shoe box swap. Wouldn't that be a fun evening? And maybe I could even talk Jaron and Lori to showing up and helping with the event too ... wink wink! Many, many thanks to Dawn Rapsas, Belinda King, and Lydia Fiedler for inviting me to their events!
I stopped by the Marriott Sunday to pick up a friend and ran into more demos as they were heading off to the airport. What a reunion! I still can't believe how much love you all have for me. Your love strengthens and supports me and I can't thank you enough! Kisses to you all!
O.K. ... so to pick or not to pick? Yesterday was an interesting day. A VERY interesting day. There's a retail store that's opening up just a mile away from my home. On a whim I decided to go on-line and apply. "I'll take anything", I thought. I answered a few on-line questions and immediately was scheduled for an interview at 3:00 that day. "Yippee, a real-live interview!" Before closing out of the website I read that we were to dress professionally, come with four personal references, arrive 20 minutes prior to our interview, and have our application in-hand and filled out. Now comes the interesting part. As I arrived for the interview I noticed a LOT of people in ALL kinds of dress. There were short-shorts, tank tops, tattoos, piercings, black chipped fingernails, facial hair, and most everyone in the room were young enough to be my grand-children. I knew right away that I had made a big mistake and this was a waste of my time. But then I recalled the words of my daughter, Natalie. "Mom, this is good for you. It will give you experience." Well, if nothing else it will give me something funny to write about on my blog!
Back to the picking ... So, I noticed a young boy with a faded, too-tight t-shirt, with a picture of a walrus on the front and very, very, too-tight faded jeans. He had a scraggly red, chin hair thing. I watched him filling out his application, (remind you ... we were supposed to have it filled out when we arrived) and then he stood up and picked his melvin in the back (wedgie for those of you who don't know what a melvin is) and then as he walked to the front of the room he adjusted his front. So, the answer to the question is, "Don't pick when you're in public. And for heavens sake borrow or buy a pair of dress pants that fit!"
So ... on to the interview. Very, very interesting. I've never had a group interview before. They selected about 12 of us to go into a room and we sat in a circle and the asst. store manager and her asst. asked us two questions. All of us had the same two questions and we went around the room in a circle. Then she left the room and there was dead silence. Finally I piped up and said that there were really secret cameras hidden in the room and they were spying on us to see how we interact with each other. That created a lot of laughter and we started chatting with each other. She came back into the room and said how refreshing it was to hear laughter. Usually she enters and you can hear a pin drop.
After she excused everyone she asked this young boy and I to stay afterwards to sign our application. I was puzzled because I knew that I had already signed it. As we went to get our applications she whispered to us that she wanted to hire us on the 'spot' but she didn't want the others to know. That's why she told us to come sign our applications. As we were filling out additional paper work she asked me if I had ever had cash flow experience. I drew a blank for a minute and then remembered that I used to be a teller in a bank years ago. She was elated because that's the position she slated me for. I will be doing the store deposits, along with sales, and can come into the store as early as 5:00 a.m. and be home by noon. How perfect is that? I don't know what the salary is, probably not much, but IT'S A JOB and I got it over those young whipper-snappers!
Got to run ... I have morning Relief Society.
Love You!!! MMMMMM..... Hugs and Kisses!
To Pick or Not To Pick?
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Congrats on your new job Linda. As you may have read I have been working at my son's cupcake shop for the past 5 weeks. I was a dental assistant all my life and when I no longer had that job I literally felt like a fish out of water flopping around. At 56 it was not easy competing with the 20 year olds. Getting back into the workforce outside of my comfort level (retail) was a boost when I saw just how much fun I am having. I am the old biddy amongst all the cutie patooties but they still laugh at my silly one liners! I hope you will find your new job to be just as new and fun for you too!
Yay!!!! That's great!
Congratulations! You know, at our local Old Navy there is an older woman, not old, just older than the rest of the employees that work there. I've always admired that she wanted to work in a store filled with college students. I'm sure on some level its refreshing to be around young people all day. Way to go! I'm sure it was refreshing to those managers to see a professional woman take a job interview seriously. I have a feeling you're going to love it!
Yay!!!!! Money is money, right?!?!? I have to ask though, was the young boy who also got hired on the spot, your "picker" friend?
A job is a job is a job is a job! How exciting!
We need to come up and visit. The girls ask me all the time to go see the grandpa that takes his teeth out. LOL!
Love ya! Hey, go read my blog for some exciting news!
Yay for you, Linda!!!
Things have a curious way of working out. As I finish the first stage of Alternate Route (to teaching) certification, that is my mantra. I need a job to go to Stage 2, full time, head of the class all by myself job. I know it is out there waiting for me - so that I can be in SLC next summer and be invited to your dinner and swap (hint hint!)
CONGRATULATIONS on the job. It's got to make you feel good. I love reading your blog. Your stories are so entertaining. Wish I could have met up with you at convention but I didn't attend this year. Congrats on the weight loss also. I look forward to your weekly photos to see the difference. Good for you.
Yeah Linda!!! Congratulations to you on your new adventure. Sounds like you and the young man were what they were looking for. I am so happy for you.
Yes, Congratulations Linda!
As another woman of a certain age I, too found it difficult to find a job after 29 years at one place. But I found something part-time, which is more than many people are these days.
So, enjoy the fact you have somewhere to go, are earning a bit of money and expanding your experience.
And as for what shows up at an interview- I KNOW- I saw it all, from underwear, to piercings in places that shouldn't be pierced, to smells (both cologne and natural body odors).
Thanks for reminding the world we have something to contribute.
Way to go, Linda! Can't wait to hear more stories about your new adventure!
congrats on the job Linda!
Woo hoo Linda!! Way to go!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you and your new job! It will be exciting for you to get out and do this. I love working with the public. It is funny that you do not even know how much money you are going to be The main thing is, you have a job and I think you will really enjoy it! Not bad hours, either.
Congrats, again and good luck with it!!
....Sharon :)
How awesome, I'm so happy for you! I can't believe you have me in your blog but I so Love you and how humble and loving you are!
You inspire me to be more than I can be.
Love to you and yours,
Congratulations Linda! Way to show those whipper snappers that "yes you can" attitude.
good for you for 'getting out there'. i'm sure it will lead to other 'great things' with all the fab people you'll meet. It's just another stop on the adventure we call life!
I think they took one look at you Linda and your resume and realized that they discovered a gold mine of talent and experience. It wouldn't surprise me if they found more and more things they want to add to your job description.
congrats on the job! They are lucky to have you!
First - you always make me laugh - i can't stop giggling about the boy and his pants. I can completely hear you saying that out loud!!
And CONGRATULATIONS!!! They are so so lucky to have you. And the early shift ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
omgosh you had me laughing out loud about the boy and his pants. when did the world change so much?
congrats on your new job. i've been unemployed for over two years and am still looking. michigan isn't the greatest place to be living these days with the highest unemployment in the country.
can't wait to hear more details and fun stories.
xox ~ carol
Linda -
I am so sorry I didn't get to see you during Convention! Maybe next year! Congrats on your new job! I know you will do well!! Just put on your sparkly Mickey Mouse ears and have a ball!!!
Susan LaCroix
Oh Linda congratulations on the job. I am soooooooo HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! I loved your story and how fun you were in your element standing out of all the rest!!! Keep us posted on the job! When do you start?
Too funny!
I lost my job after Hurrican Katrina -- we live in New Orleans -- and found myself looking for a job. (I'm 50 now.) Your observations are on point about the interesting things you see and hear while job hunting. I did the Monster thing and a lot of on-line job applications. Happy to note I've been employeed for a little over 3 years with the a good company.
When things get tough, place them in God's hands! Everything will happen the way it is supposed to.
Best wishes to you Linda.
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